Sunday 20 October 2013


Opportunity Presents Itself

We have a couple of images to present to you this week. We are trying to make a serious effort to release a backlog of graffiti. 

While most images are created using the traditional pen/paint to wall/door combination, others are a simpler and more opportunistic combinations. Canvases that are only willing to be cocked for a short period of time.

The first of these comes courtesy of winter. While on a visit to Glenrothes ("Today, there are more roundabouts in Glenrothes than all other roundabouts in Fife when added together."), in Kingdom of Fife, our contributor came across a footpath Snowcock. Although not desperately rare, it could be considered under threat from climate change and therefore slightly threatened. 

Slight vein work and a very interesting cock to ball ratio.

Sadly we have far less information on this second contribution but we think it might be from Ireland. Thanks goes to Alan nonetheless. This is the sort of opportunity that I would love to be presented with; fresh concrete (follow the link to clear any confusion between concrete and cement) and judging by a complete lack of footprints, a very long stick was also involved. Should we read anything into the fact that the penis lies directly next to a litter bin? I guess we will never know. 
I love how the nut receptacle doubles up as our very own Sun with the pubes obviously representing beautiful little rays of sunshine. And again the ball to cock ratio should be noted. Graffiti cocks and balls come in all shapes and sizes.

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